• Birding tours

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    If there is one thing about birding tours that we want you to know of, that would be the fact that these tours are for all bird watchers from all over the world to come together and share their passion towards birding. For those of you out there who have tried going on a birding tour, for sure,...
    For sure, many of you here are aware of how bird watching is a fun hobby to have, however, little did you know that these activity offer tons of health benefits that are often overlooked by the general public. Most of the time, when we think about healthy hobbies, we tend to believe that it has...
    September 30, 2019
    You may be that person who loves to watch birds or to take pictures of them and if you are, there are places where you can go to do such things. It is true that there are so many different kinds of birds and if you would really like to see them, you should start looking for places where you can...